吳建文 副教授兼任秘書室主任秘書



宏裕科技研究大樓 1128


(02) 2771-2171 #2322/3101



Office hour:

星期一 18:30~19:20




人工智慧與區塊鏈實驗室(宏裕科技研究大樓 535)

  • 國立台北科技大學秘書室主任秘書
  • 國立台北科技大學圖書資訊處圖資長
  • 國立台北科技大學資訊與財金管理系主任
  • 國立台北科技大學資訊與管理所所長
  • 國立台北科技大學服務與科技管理研究所所長
  • 國立台北科技大學工業工程與管理系
  • 國立台北科技大學圖書館資訊服務組主任、讀者服務組主任
  • 國立台北科技大學希望園丁創新創業教育召集人
  • 國立台北科技大學智慧治理應用科技研發中心主任
  • 教育部育才平台金融保險領域召集人
  • 中國石油大數據資料分析講師
  • 生寶臍帶血ERP規劃案主持人
  • 鑑識專家系統開發計畫主持人(與李昌鈺博士、美國西思艾公司的合作)
  • 鑑識資料區塊鏈系統開發計畫主持人
  • 漢慈陪讀程式計畫主持人
  • 備審資料區塊鏈系統計畫主持人
  • Chien-Wen,Wu, 2017, A web-based crowd sourcing data application in exploring the effect of collaborative we-intention on adoption of cloud-multimedia drive, SCI, International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies, p.30-40
  • Chien-Wen,Wu, 2017, An ILS-BasedHeuristic Algorithm for Solving the Spatial Planning Problem of Pre-Positioned Mobilization Warehouse Deployment, EI, Journal of Chung Cheng Intitute of Technology
  • Chien-Wen,Wu, 2017, A Frequent Itemset Mining Algorithm for Solving Facility Partition Location Covering Problem, EI, Journal of Chung Cheng Intitute of Technology
  • Chien-Wen,Wu, 2017, Identifying Hierarchical Multiple Distinct Facility Location Problems to Enhance Internet Service Efficiency, p.295-312, SCI, Journal of Internet Technology
  • Chien-Wen,Wu, 2017, Analysis of performance measures in cloud-based ubiquitous SaaS CRM project system, SCI, The Journal of Supercomputing, p.30-40
  • Chien-Wen,Wu, 2013, Time matrix controller design of flexible manufacturing systems, SCI, Computers & Industrial Engineering, p.28-38
  • 吳建文, 2011, 應用高頻項目集探勘技術在 DNA 晶片表現分析之研究, 其他【國內】, 工程科技通訊
  • Chien-Wen,Wu, 2011, Applications of Frequent Itemset Mining on Biclustering Data Analysis for DNA Chips, p.65-76, 其他【國內】, Journal of National Taipei University of Technology
  • Chien-Wen,Wu, 2010, Using analytic hierarchy process and particle swarm optimization algorithm for evaluating product plans, SCI, Expert Systems with Applications, p.1023-1034
  • Chien-Wen,Wu, 2007, Solving a Committee Formation and Scheduling Problem by Frequent Itemset Mining, SCI, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, p.685-695
  • Chien-Wen,Wu, 2006, Applying Frequent Itemset Mining to Identify a Small Itemset that Satisfies a Large Percentage of Orders in a Warehouse, SCI&EI, Computers & Operations Research, p.3161-3170
  • Chien-Wen,Wu, 2006, Mining Top-K Frequent Closed Itemsets is Not in APX, SCI&EI, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, p.435-439
  • 吳建文,2019,網路行為與資訊安全之分析,2019北商大學術論壇暨國際企業管理研討會,中華民國,台北
  • 吳建文,2019,創櫃板與新創公司營運之關係研討-以C公司為實例探討,2019北商大學術論壇暨國際企業管理研討會,中華民國,台北
  • Chien-Wen,Wu,2018,A Blockchain System for Seal Image Verification,e-CASE & e-Tech 2018,日本,京都
  • 吳建文,2015,利用關聯法則分析個股齊漲齊跌的關係,第十四屆北商大學術論壇暨國際經營與管理實務研討會,中華民國,台北
  • Chien-Wen,Wu,2015,On Implementing an Indoor Map Design System Based on Bluetooth Technology for Home Care,2015 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology – Fall Session (e-CASE & e-Tech 2015-Fall),日本,京都
  • Chien-Wen,Wu,2015,The Implementation of a Performance Sensitivity Tool for AHP Decision Making,2015 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology,馬來西亞,吉隆坡
  • Chien-Wen,Wu,2015,An Indoor Positioning System Based on Machine Learning Techniques,2015 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (e-CASE & e-Tech 2015),馬來西亞,吉隆坡
  • Chien-Wen,Wu,2014,Database Redesign for a Biotechnology Company,2014 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology,日本,名古屋
  • Chien-Wen,Wu,2014,A Mobile Indoor Map Design Application for Home Care,2014 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology,日本,名古屋
  • Chien-Wen,Wu,2014,Solution algorithms for a Fulfillment warehouse location problem,2014 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology,日本,名古屋
  • Chien-Wen,Wu,2014,A Fragment Allocation Model for Service Maximization in Distributed Database Systems,2014 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology,日本,名古屋
  • Chien-Wen,Wu,2014,An Algorithm for Siting Undesirable Substations,2014 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology,日本,名古屋
  • Chien-Wen,Wu and Chiu-Yu Chui, 2004, "A Data Mining Based Approach to Solve the Order Batching Problem", the 9th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, Auckland, New Zealand, in CD-ROM. (NSC93-2213-E-027-011)
  • Chien-Wen,Wu, 2004, "A Novel Approach to Find the Minimum Number of Warehouses with the Product Compatibility Constraint", the 9th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, Auckland, New Zealand, in CD-ROM. (NSC93-2213-E-027-011)
  • Chiu-Yu Chui, Chia-Hao Lin and Chien-Wen,Wu, 2004, "A Cluster Analysis Method Using Artificial Immune System and Ant Algorithm", to appear in the Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute. (NSC93-2213-E-027-011)
  • Chien-Wen,Wu, 2003, "The Knapsack Problem with Mutual Compatibility Constraint", the 8th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, Las Vegas, Nevada, in CD-ROM. (NSC91-2213-E-027-021)
  • Chien-Wen,Wu, 2003, "Applying the Data Mining Technique to Product Allocation in a Warehouse Aiming at Satisfying the Most Possible Orders", in the 8th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, Las Vegas, Nevada, in CD-ROM. (NSC91-2213-E-027-021)
  • Chien-Wen,Wu, 2003, "A Data Mining Based Approach to Identify the Smallest Subset of Items that Can Fill a Certain Percentage of Orders in a Warehouse", the 2003 International Conference on Technology and Management, Taipei, Taiwan, in CD-ROM. (NSC91-2213-E-027-021)
  • Chien-Wen,Wu, 2003, "Exactly Mining the Longest Frequent Itemset", the 2003 International Conference on Technology and Management, Taipei, Taiwan, in CD-ROM. (NSC91-2213-E-027-021)
  • 吳建文、林帝旺、范景淵、林志明、林萬琪, 2003, 關聯法則於商店店址選擇之應用, 2003 知識與價值管理學術研討會, 444-448.(NSC91-2213-E-027-021)
  • 吳建文、程炳源、出哲宇、施建宏、王正昱, 2003, 應用關聯法則分析於課程設計之研究, 2003知識與價值管理學術研討會,449-453.(NSC91-2213-E-027-021)
  • 區塊鏈技術與應用
  • 人工智慧概論
  • 資訊管理
  • 創業概論