林淑玲 教授
宏裕科技研究大樓 1119
(02) 2771-2171 #3426
Office hour:
星期一 16:00~18:00
星期四 13:00 ~ 17:00
金融投資與風險管理實驗室(宏裕科技研究大樓 924)
- 2013-2022 公務人員退休撫卹基金管理委員會顧問
- 2015-2018 臺北科技大學校務研究中心主任
- 2014-2017 財經立法促進院第二屆董事暨副院長
- 2014-2017 代表財政部所屬臺灣金融控股(股)公司-臺銀綜合證券(股)公司公股派任之獨立董事
- 2013-2016 財團法人臺灣金融教育協會理事兼副秘書長
- 2014-2015 臺北科技大學教務處顧問
- 2013-2014 臺北科技大學教務處副教務長
- 2013-2014 臺北科技大學教務處課務組組長
- Shu-Ling Lin*and Jin, X. (2023). “Does ESG Predict Systemic Banking Crises? A Computational Economics Model of Early Warning Systems with Interpretable Multi-Variable LSTM based on Mixture Attention,” Mathematics-Special Issue: Computational Economics and Mathematical Modeling, 11(2) 410, 1-15; https://doi.org/10.3390/math11020410, 12 Jan. 2023. (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.592 (2021), 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.542 (2021)
- Lin, S. L. *, Wu, S. C., & Li, Q. (2021). Do R&D and ESG affect the corporate value? Evidence from china fin-tech industry. Journal of Accounting, Finance & Management Strategy, 16(2), 159-205. Retrieved from https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/do-r-amp-d-aud-esg-affect-corporate-value/docview/2618439040/se-2?accountid=14227 (ABI, EconLit)
- Shu-Ling Lin*, Jin, X., & Liang, B. (2021). The effects of income diversification and financial policy uncertainty on risk-taking in china's insurance industry: Comparison of policy effects. Journal of Accounting, Finance & Management Strategy, 16(2), 1-54. Retrieved from https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/effects-income-diversification-financial-policy/docview/2618439124/se-2?accountid=14227 (ABI, EconLit)
- Shu-Ling Lin* and Jun Lu, (2020). "Did the Institutional Investors’ Behavior Affect U.S.-China Equity Market Sentiment? Evidence from the U.S.-China Trade Turbulence," Mathematics-Special Issue: Mathematical Analysis in Economics and Management, 8(952), 1-17; https://doi.org/10.3390/math8060952, 10 June 2020. (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.258 (2020), 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.165 (2020); SCOPUS Ranking 75/378=19.84%)
- Shu-Ling Lin* and Jun Lu, (2019). “Institutional Ownership and Systematic Risks: An Empirical Analysis of Chinese A-share Listed Companies,” Journal of Accounting, Finance & Management Strategy, Vol. 14, No. 2, Dec. 2019, 1-30. (ABI, EconLit)
- Shu-Ling Lin* and Jun Lu, (2019). "Institutional Investors and Corporate Performance: insights from China," Sustainability, MDPI, Open Access Journal, vol. 11(21), pages 1-26, published 29 October 2019. (SSCI, Impact Factor: 3.251 (2020) ; 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.473 (2020), SCOPUS Ranking 110/704=15.63%)
- Shu-Ling Lin* and Xiao Jin, (2019). “The Effects of Income Diversification on Operating Performance and Risk-Taking in Financial Industry: Evidences from China's Financial Reform,” Journal of Accounting, Finance & Management Strategy, Vol. 14, No. 1, June. 2019, 69-110. (ABI, EconLit)
- Clio Chen and Shu-Ling Lin*, (2018). “Constructing the Risk Management Framework in Sharing Economy Industry: A Case Study on a C2C Fintech Company,” Journal of Accounting, Finance & Management Strategy, Vol. 13, No. 2, Dec. 2018, pp23-48. (ABI, EconLit)
- Shu Ling Lin, Jun Lu*, Jung-Bin Su and Wei-Peng Chen, (2018). “Sustainable returns: the effect of regional industrial development policy on institutional investors' behavior in China,” Sustainability, 10(2769): 1-28. (SSCI, Impact Factor: 3.251 (2020) ; 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.473 (2020), SCOPUS Ranking 110/704=15.63%)
- Shu-Ling Lin, Yen-Ting Yu, Chang-Chieh Wu and Sheng-Chang Wu, (2018). “The Effects of Internet Banking on Financial Performance: Evidence from the East Asian Countries,” Journal of Accounting, Finance & Management Strategy, Vol. 13, No. 1, Jun. 2018, pp105-156. (ABI, EconLit)
- Wei-Peng Chen, Shu Ling Lin, Jun Lu, and Chih-Chiang Wu*, (2018). “The impact of funding liquidity on market quality,” North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 44, pp. 153-166. (SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.772 (2020) SCOPUS Ranking 68/260=26.15%)
- Shu-Ling Lin* & Lu Jun & Jing-Lun Yan, (2018). "Family Holding and Board Effectiveness on the Risk-taking of Financial Industry in China and Taiwan," Journal of Applied Finance & Banking, SCIENPRESS Ltd, vol. 8(2), pages 135-183. March 1, 2018. ISSN: 1792-6580 (print version), 1792-6599 (online) (ABI, EconLit)
- Shu Ling Lin*, Wei Peng Chen, Jun Lu (2015), “Relationship between Banks’ Capital and Credit Risk-Taking through Syndicated Loan,” Modern Economy, 6(12) 1297-1308.doi: 10.4236/me.2015.612123. (EconLit)
- Shu Ling Lin*, Jun Lu, Tung-Lai Hu and Ya-Ting Huang (2015), “Market Promotion of Paid Socket: A Feasibility Analysis,” International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Vol. 4(4), pp. 128 – 149. Dec., 2015. ISSN 2304 – 1366 (ABI_INFORM)
- R. Gupta and Shu Ling Lin* (2013), “International diversification a small equity market perspective,” International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Accepted and Forthcoming. (ABI_INFORM, EconLit , monitored by SSCI)
- Shu Ling Lin*, Hwang, Dar-Yeh and Wang, Keh Luh and Xie, Zhe Wen (2013), “Banking Capital and Risk-Taking Adjustment under Capital Regulation: The Role of Financial Freedom, Concentration and Governance Control,” (June 15, 2013). International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, 2013, Vol. 2(2), pp. 99-128. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2280481 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2280481 (Posted: 20 Jun 2013) (ABI_INFORM)
- Shu Ling Lin* (2012), “Supervisory Mechanisms, Market Discipline Power, Bank Capital, and Risk-Taking Adjustments ,” 台灣金融財務季刊, Vol. 13(2), pp. 1-47, June 2012. (本文榮獲2011金融海嘯後國際新金融監理體制學術研討會最佳論文獎; *corresponding author)
- Shu Ling Lin* (2011), “Do Supervisory Mechanisms or Market Discipline Relate to Bank Capital Requirements and Risk-taking Adjustment? International Evidence,” African Journal of Business Management, Vol.5 (7), pp. 2766-2785, April 2011. (SSCI; 2009 Impact Factor: 1.105; 2009 MANAGEMENT ranking: 58/112=0.51; ISSN: 1993-8233; *corresponding author)
- Shu Ling Lin* and S.-J Wu (2011), “Is grey relational analysis superior to the conventional techniques in predicting financial crisis?” Expert Systems With Application, Vol. 38(5), pp.5119-5124, May 2011. (SCI; 2009 Impact Factor: 2.908)
- Shu Ling Lin* and Shun-Jyh Wu (2010), “An Intelligent Web-based GRA/Cointegration analysis for Systematic Risk,” International Journal of Computers, Issue 1, Volume 4, 2010, pp. 223-234.
- Chen-Chi Lou*, Tsung-Pei Lee, Shang-Chi Gong and Shu Ling Lin (2010), “Effects of Technical Innovation on Market Value of the U.S. Semiconductor Industry,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol.77, No.8, pp.1322-1338, Oct. 2010. (SSCI; 2009 Impact Factor: 1.776; 2009 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ranking 4/44=0.09; ISSN: 0040-1625)
- Shu Ling Lin* & Rita Chuang (2010),“Effects on Shareholders' Wealth and Premium / Discount of Private Placement Announcement,” Chiao Da Management Review, 30(1), June 2010, 1-45。(TSSCI; *corresponding author)
- Shu Ling Lin* (2009), “A New Two-Stage Hybrid Approach of Credit Risk in Banking Industry,” Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 36, No. 4, May 2009, 8333-8341. (SCI; 2009 Impact Factor: 2.908; 2009 OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE ranking: 3/73=0.04; ; *corresponding author corresponding author)
- Shu Ling Lin* (2009), “Corporate Environmental Performance and Market Value of Intangible Assets,” World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Special Issue on: Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Management and Business Competitiveness, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2009, 72-101.
- Shu Ling Lin*, Shang-Chi Gong and Soushan Wu (2009), “Comparison of Systematic Risk Between Cross-border Bank M&As and Domestic One: International Evidence,” 臺灣金融財務季刊,第九輯第三期,2009, 77-102。
- 林淑玲*、單秀文(2009),「利率與匯率風險對銀行業股價報酬之影響」,會計與財金研究,第二卷第一期,民國98年3月,19-35頁。
- Shu Ling Li*, Chia-Ding Hou and Pei-Hua Gi (2008), “Do the Two-Stage Hybrid Models Outperform the Conventional Techniques? Evidence in Taiwan,” International Journal of Business and Strategy, Vol.9, No2, December 2008, pp98-131.
- 林淑玲*、王元伸(2008),「金融控股公司之技術效率與財務績效之因果關聯」,績效與策略研究,第五卷第一期,民國97年3月,49-65頁。
- Shu Ling Lin* (2008), “Conditional Risk and Return in Asian Emerging Markets: Evidence from the Banking Sector,” Applied Economics, 40 (24), 2008, 3173-3183. (SSCI; 2009 Impact Factor: 0.404; 2009 Economics ranking 187/247=0.7571; ; *corresponding author corresponding author) (ABI_INFORM, SSCI, Econlit; ISSN: 0003-6846)
- Shu Ling Lin* (2007), “Risk Management of Banking Industry in Taiwan,” International Journal of Services Technology and Management, Vol. 8, Nos. 4/5, 2007, pp. 421- 451. (Publishing date: 20070505) (ABI_INFORM, ISSN: 1460-6720)
- Shu Ling Lin* and R.D. Terrell (2007), “Assessment on the Social Responsibility of Taiwan’s Manufacturing Industry,” International Journal of Services Technology and Management, Vol. 8, Nos. 4/5, 2007, 355-388. (Publishing date: 20070505) (ABI_INFORM, ISSN: 1460-6720)
- 林淑玲*、龔尚智 (2006),「金融業購併與金控公司成立前後之效率與影響因素比較」,績效與策略研究,第三卷第二期,民國95年12月,11-29頁。
- Shu Ling Lin* and Ya-Ting Chang (2006), “The Credit-Risk Warning System of Financial Distress in Taiwan,” International Journal of Business and Strategy, Vol.7, No.2, Dec. 2006, pp. 36-72. (ISSN: 1553-9563)
- T.J. Brailsford, Shu Ling Lin* and Jack H.W. Penm (2006), “Conditional Risk, Return and Contagion in the Banking Sector in Asia,” Research in International Business and Finance, Vol.20, Issue 3, 322-339, September 2006. (Finance Literature Index, 科技部國際財務期刊分級排序總表B級期刊) (ISSN: 0275-5319)
- Shu Ling Lin* (2005), “The Derivation, Development, and Effects of Financial Reform in 10 Countries of Eastern Asia: Comparisons between Pre- and Post-Asia Financial Crisis,” Contemporary Studies in Economics and Financial Analysis, Asian Pacific Financial markets in Comparative Perspective: Issues and Implication for the 21st Century, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam Netherlands, Volume 86, 293-337, 2005.
- Shu Ling Lin*, Jack H.W. Penm, Shang-Chi Gong and Ching-Shan Cang (2005), “Risk-Based Capital Adequacy in Assessing on Insolvency-Risk and Financial Performances in Taiwan’s Banking Industry,” Research in International Business and Finance, March 2005, Volume 19, pp. 111-153, 2005. (Available online 29 Jan. 2005). (Finance Literature Index, 科技部國際財務期刊分級排序總表B級期刊) (ISSN: 0275-5319)
- Shu Ling Lin*, Soushan Wu, Jack H.W. Penm and R.D. Terrell (2005), “The Relationship and Causality Testing between Diversification, Risk, and Financial Performance: Empirical Examination in Taiwan’s Banking Industry,” International Journal of Services Technology and Management, Vol.6 (6), pp. 556-575, Dec. 2005. (ABI_INFORM, ISSN: 1460-6720)
- 林淑玲*(2022),「齊力斷金跨域專業學習建構教學實踐研究跨校社群」,111年度北區基地跨校教師社群期末成果交流會暨共識會議,北區基地-國立臺北科技大學,111年12月16日。
- 林淑玲*(2022),「數位資源結合自調式學習(SRL)導入參與式翻轉學習是否提昇投資學之學習成效?」,110 年度教育部教學實踐研究計畫-商管、民生暨生農學門成果交流會,2022年8月9日。
- 林淑玲*(2021),「後新冠疫情時代之股市虛擬投資系統之研發與建置」,台北科技大學研發處,110 年國立臺北科技大學 PBL 研發成果分享會,2021年12月8日。
- 林淑玲*(2021),「智能理財數位行動 APP 之設計與製作」,109 年度教育部教學實踐研究計畫-商管、民生暨生農學門成果交流會,2021年8月26日。
- 林淑玲*(2021),「攜手數位原生打造投資理財科技化之智慧型金融教室」,109 年度教育部教學實踐研究計畫-商管、民生暨生農學門成果交流會,2021年8月26日。
- 林淑玲*(2021),「智能理財數位行動 APP 之設計與製作」,國立高雄科技大學 「2021教學實踐研究研討會」,高雄:國立高雄科技大學教務處教學發展中心線上展覽網站,2021年7月9日。
- 林淑玲*(2020),「運用AI智能開發與建置股市擬真交易平台」,台北科技大學研發處,109 年國立臺北科技大學 PBL 座談分享暨研發專題成果發表會,2020年11月27日。
- Shu-Ling Lin, Jun Lu* (2020), “Did the Institutional Investors' Behavior affect U.S.-China Equity Market Sentiment? Evidences from the U.S.-China trade turbulence,” 2020 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, Sep. 25-26, 2020 at College of Management, 埔里:暨南大學, Taiwan.
- Shu-Ling Lin, Jun Lu* (2019), “The Effects of Institutional Investors' Investment Behavior on Risk Taking and Corporate Governance in China's A-Share,” International Conference on Critical Issues Facing Emerging Markets (CIFAEM 2019), October 18-20, 2019 at College of Management, National Dong-Hwa University in Hualien, Taiwan.
- 林淑玲*、晉驍(2019),「多角化對於金融業之經營績效是否具有門檻效果?中國金融改革政策之實證」,2019 International Congress of Technology and Management,台中:稻江科技暨管理學院,2019年5月28日。
- 林淑玲、張雅媛* (2017),「從多元入學管道看學生學習歷程對其學習成效之影響」, 2017校務研究推動學校特色發展兩岸學術論壇,新竹:元培醫事科技大學,2017年11月8日。
- Shu-Ling Lin, Jun Lu*, Jung-Bin Su and Wei-Peng Chen (2017), “Institutional investors’ preference under regional industrial development policy in China,” Workshop on “Leading Issues and Challenges in Emerging Economies,” Business School, Sichuan University, October 9, 2017.
- 林奕宏*、林淑玲 (2017),「評分者效果對校務評鑑的影響:試題反映理論取向」, 2017高教策略創新與校務研究之應用研討會,台北:東吳大學,2017年6月29日。
- 林淑玲、陳煒朋、蘇榮斌、蘆軍(2017),「機構投資法人在中國的角色」,Taiwan Finance Association (TFA), 2017 International Conference, May 19-20, 2017. National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan, R.O.C.
- 林淑玲、莊育娟* (2017),「Correlation between Different Course Attributes and Student Learning Outcomes by National Taipei University of Technology」, 2017 校務研究新思維與專業學術研討會,新竹:玄奘大學,2017年4月26日。
- Wei Peng Chen*, Shu Ling Lin, Jun Lu, and Chih-Chiang Wu (2016), “Funding Liquidity and Market Quality: Evidence from the S&P 500 ETF and Index Futures,” European Financial Management Association 2016 Annual Meetings, June 29-July 2, 2016, Basel, SWITZERLAND.
- 林淑玲*、蘆軍、顏敬倫 (2016),「兩岸金融業的家族持股與董事會效能對其風險承擔之影響」,2016 IEFA國際研討會、第 12 屆經濟金融會計研討會暨第 8 屆兩岸金融研討會,台北:台灣大學,2016年5月29日至5月31日。
- 林淑玲*、楊森淼(2016),「E-Portfolio數位學習歷程行動APP之發與建置」, KC2016 第十二屆知識社群國際研討會,台北:中國文化大學,2016年05月27至5月28日。
- Shu Ling Lin*, Wei Peng Chen, Cheng Chieh Yu, Leehter Yao (2016), “Accreditation Self-Evaluation With Meta-Evaluation Analysis For NTUT: The Accuracy Effectiveness,” The 2016 International Conference on Institutional Research in Taiwan (ICIRT 2016), Asia University, TaiChung, May 20~May 21, 2016.
- 陳煒朋*、林淑玲、蘆軍 (2015),“The Impact of Funding Liquidity on Market Quality: Evidence from the S&P 500 ETF and Index Futures,” 2015臺灣財務金融學會年會暨國際研討會,臺灣:臺中,104年6月5~6日。
- 林淑玲*、陳煒朋、蘆軍 (2015),“Relationship between Banks' Capital and Credit Risk-taking through Syndicated Loan,” 2015第七屆CSBF兩岸金融研討會暨第十一屆IEFA經濟金融會計研討會聯合大會:大中華市場的金融改革,臺北:臺灣大學,104年4月28~29日。
- 林淑玲*、陳煒朋、蘆軍(2015),“Optimal risk capital under a Stop-loss policy,”2015年台灣風險與保險學會年會暨國際學術研討會,臺北:政治大學,104年12月19日。
- Shu Ling Lin* and Jun Lu (2014), “Syndication Loans and Banks’ Risk-Taking Behaviour,”3rd Global Business and Finance Research Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 9~10, 2014.
- Shu Ling Lin* (2013), “Effects of Banks’ Capital Level on Return and Credit Risk through Lending Activity under Syndication Loans,” 2013 Hawaii International University Conferences, Hawaii U.S., June 10-12, 2013.
- 陳幸敏*、林淑玲 (2013),「政府公務機關會計處理革新之研究」,2013國際企業與經營管理研討會,台北:臺北科技大學,2013年6月21日。
- 吳佳玲*、林淑玲 (2013),「銀行業內部稽核績效與適切性之研究」,2013國際企業與經營管理研討會,台北:臺北科技大學,2013年6月21日。
- 呂彩玲*、林淑玲 (2013),「郵政稽核評量績效之研究」,2013國際企業與經營管理研討會,台北:臺北科技大學,2013年6月21日。
- 林淑玲*、趙佩如 (2013),「企業內部控制之研究 - 以IT印表機產業為例」,2013國際企業與經營管理研討會,台北:臺北科技大學,2013年6月21日。
- 林淑玲*、甄真 (2013),「證券業對大陸市場的經營發展策略之研究」,2013國際企業與經營管理研討會,台北:臺北科技大學,2013年6月21日。
- 楊復權*、林淑玲 (2013),「外商銀行無擔保信用貸款催收策略之研究」,2013國際企業與經營管理研討會,台北:臺北科技大學,2013年6月21日。
- Shu Ling Lin* (2013), “Syndication Loans and Banks’ Behavior,” The 10th International Conference on Economics, Finance and Accounting (2013IEFA) and The 5th Conference on Cross-Strait Banking and Finance (2013 CSBF), Taipei, May 27-29, 2013.
- 林淑玲*、耿維禮(2012),「從股權結構與董事會效能探討中國銀行業之風險承擔與獲利能力」,2012年中國大陸經濟研究學會年會,中國大陸經濟研究學會主辦,台北:政治大學,2012年11月25日。
- Rakesh Gupta*, Shu Ling Lin (2012), “International diversification a small equity market perspective,” Asian Finance Association (AsianFA) 2012 International Conference and 2012 AsianFA Annual Meeting, 6-9, July 2012 in Taipei, Taiwan.
- 林淑玲*、黃達業、王克陸、謝哲文(2012),「從金融自由度與市場競爭力探討銀行業資本調整對風險承擔調整之影響:考量金融海嘯之國際實證」,2012CSBF兩岸金融高峰論壇,中國大陸:北京大學,2012年5月5-6日。
- 林淑玲*(2011),「監理機制與市場紀律力在銀行業資本與風險調整中之角色:金融海嘯後Basel與非Basel會員國之實證」,2011年金融海嘯後國際新金融監理體制學術研討會,台北:台灣金融研訓院,2011年11月25日。
- 林淑玲*、溫宏軒 (2011),「家電業財務危機診斷與解析:歌林公司與三洋公司之比較」,2011年管理教學個案研討會,高雄:中山大學,2011年10月29日。
- Shu Ling Lin* (2011), “Banks’ Capital Buffer and Risk-Taking Adjustments under Supervisory and Market Disciplining Power,” EuroConference 2011: Crises and Recovery in Emerging Markets, 27-30, June 2011 in Izmir, Turkey.
- Wu, A. L., Wu, S. J.*, Shu Ling Lin (2011), “Grey Relational Analysis of Students’ Behavior in LMS,” Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Guilin, China, 10-13 July, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4577-0307-2. ISSN: 2106-133X.
- 顏敬倫*、林淑玲 (2011),「家族持股與董事會效能對金融業風險承擔之影響-金融海嘯前後之比較」,2011商業管理研討會,台北:台北科技大學,2011年6月10日。
- 王若瑜*、林淑玲 (2011),「金融海嘯前後台灣家族企業內部人持股之風險承擔影響」,2011商業管理研討會,台北:台北科技大學,2011年6月10日。
- 謝哲文*、林淑玲 (2011),「考慮金融海嘯前與後銀行業資本管制與風險行為之互動關聯」,2011商業管理研討會,台北:台北科技大學,2011年6月10日。
- Shun-Jyh Wu, Shu Ling Lin, Der-Bang Wu and Hsiu-Lan Ma (2010), “Predicting Risk Parameters Using Intellegent Fuzzy / Logistic Regression,” The 2010 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence (AICI'10), October 23-24, 2010, Sanya, China.
- Shun-Jyh Wu and Shu-Ling Lin (2010), “Forecast of Hourly Wind Speed With Intelligent Model,” WSEAS International Conferences in Taipei, Taiwan, August 20-22, 2010.
- Shun-Jyh Wu and Shu-Ling Lin (2010), “An Intelligent Fuzzy / Cointegration analysis for Systematic Risk of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisition,” WSEAS International Conferences in Taipei, Taiwan, August 20-22, 2010.
- Chuang-Min Chao, Shu-Ling Lin and Jung- Chung Tsao (2010), “Stock Market Returns, Systematic Risks, and Corporate Characteristics in the Taiwan Stock Exchange Market around the Bearish-Bullish Turning Points,” An International Conference for Diversity, Technology, and Innovation for Operational Competitiveness, TIIM2010, 16-18 June 2010, Pattaya, Thailand.
- Chuang-Min Chao, Shu-Ling Lin and Luo-Chiun Tian (2010), “Investor Sentiments as the Conditioning Information in Asset Pricing Model during the Bullish and Bearish Periods in Taiwan Stock Exchange,” An International Conference for Diversity, Technology, and Innovation for Operational Competitiveness, TIIM2010, 16-18 June 2010, Pattaya, Thailand.
- Shu Ling Lin* and Ming Fung Wu (2010), “Family-owned Ownership and Risk-Taking: Exploring Nonlinear Effects in Taiwan’s Financial Industry,” 2010商業管理研討會,台北:台北科技大學,民國99年6月18日。
- 林淑玲* (2009),「國際多角化資產配置是否存在母國偏誤的現象?國際銀行業之實證」,2009資產管理研討會,證券暨期貨市場發展基金會主辦,台北,民國98年12月4日。
- Shun-Jyh Wu, Shu Ling Lin, Hsiu-Lan Ma and Der-Bang Wu (2009), “An Application of GRA to Analyze the Credit Risk in Banking Industry,” 2009 IEEE International Conference on Grey Systems and Service Sciences, 10-12 Nov., 2009, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China.
- Shu Ling Lin* and Shun-Jyh Wu (2009), “Capital Requirements and Risk-Taking Behavior in Banks: International Evidences,” Proceedings of International Symposium on Finance and Accounting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 6-8, 2009.
- Shu Ling Lin*, Shun-Jyh Wu, Hsiu-Lan Ma and Der-Bang Wu (2009), “Development of Credit Risk Model in Banking Industry Based On GRA,” Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Baoding, Hebei, China.pp.2903-2909, 12-15 July 2009.
- Shu Ling Lin* (2009), “Do Cross-border Bank M&As Change Their Systematic Risk? International Evidences,” 2009商業管理研討會,台北:台北科技大學,民國98年6月19日。
- 林淑玲*、王元伸(2008),「金融控股公司成立後技術效率與財務績效之因果關係」,第一屆金融發展學術研討會,台北:國立政治大學,民國97年5月31日。
- Shu-Ling Lin*, Shang-Chi Gong and Soushan Wu (2008), “Does Cross-border Bank M&As Reduce More Systematic Risk than Domestic One? Evidence from International Financial Integration”, 2008 International Conference on Corporate Governance and Financial Integration, Taipei, May 16, 2008.
- 林淑玲*(2008),“Effects of the Basel I Revision on Banks’ Capital Requirements and Risk-Taking behavior: International Evidences,” 2008輔仁大學學術研究成果發表會,台北:輔仁大學,民國97年1月24日。
- 樓禎祺、龔尚智、李宗培、林淑玲* (2008),「技術創新與成本優勢對亞洲專業晶圓代工產業財務績效之影響」,2008海峽兩岸財金趨勢研討會(第五屆財務金融及財金未來學術暨實務研討會),台北:淡江大學,民國97年1月4日。
- 林淑玲* (2007),「亞洲金融風暴前後銀行業之效率性與生產力暨其與公司價值之關聯:東亞九國實證」,2007第二屆輔仁大學、中國人民大學聯合研討會-經營成長、金融改革與創新學術研討會,台北:輔仁大學,民國96年9月21日。
- 林淑玲* (2007),「財務危機預警模型之建構:台灣銀行業之實證」,2007台灣財務工程學會年會暨台灣期貨交易所十週年慶國際研討會,台北:台灣金融研訓院,民國96年7月16日。
- 林淑玲*、單秀文 (2006),「利率與匯率風險對銀行業股價報酬之影響」,2006兩岸管理暨經濟合作發展模式學術研討會,台北:輔仁大學,民國95年11月17日。
- 林淑玲*、龔尚智 (2006),「金融機構併購與金控公司成立前後之效率性比較」,2006年台灣財務金融學會年會暨財務金融保險不動產學術研討會,台灣財務金融學會主辦,台北:台灣金融研訓院,民國95年5月25-26日。
- 林淑玲* (2005),「數位學習平台之運用與比較—以教師協同行動研究為例」,輔仁學派對數位學習的論述與主張小型研討會,台北:輔仁大學,台灣,民國94年9月21日。
- Shu Ling Lin* and Feng Chiung Wang (2005), “Corporate Environmental Performance and Market Value of Intangible Assets --- Evidence from Taiwan’s Manufacturing Industry,” 氣候變遷與永續發展研討會,台北:台灣大學,台灣,台灣大學全球變遷研究中心,民國94年7月20-22日。
- Shu Ling Lin* (2005), “Factors Affecting the Risk-Taking Behavior of Banking in Taiwan,” Asian Finance Association Conference in Malaysia: FMA/AsianFA 16th Meeting July 10-13, 2005, Kuala Lumpur.
- 林淑玲* (2005),「亞洲金融風暴前後東亞十國銀行業效率性之分析與比較」,2005台灣管理學會學術暨實務研討會,台北,台灣,台灣管理學會主辦,民國94年7月8日。
- 林淑玲* (2004),「東亞十國金融改革之成效:亞洲金融風暴前後之跨國比較」,2004管理績效與策略學術研討會,台北:文化大學,台灣,中華管理績效評鑑學會,民國93年11月20日。
- Shu Ling Lin*, Soushan Wu and Feng Chiung Wang (2004), “On the Relationship between Corporate Environmental Performance and Market Value of Intangible Assets --- Taiwan’s Manufacturing Industry,” International Conference of Pacific Rim Management, The Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME), July 29-31, 2004, U.S.A.: Chicago, IL.
- Shu Ling Lin*, Soushan Wu, Jack H.W. Penm and R.D. Terrell (2004), “The Relationship and Causality Testing between Diversification, Risk, and Financial Performance: Empirical Examination in Taiwan’s Banking Industry,” Asian Financial Association / Taiwan Financial Association / Financial Management Association 2003&2004 International Conference, 19 July, 2004.
- 林淑玲* (2003),「企業環境品質績效、經濟績效與財務績效之關聯性分析(II):環境績效對無形資產價值之影響(NSC91-2621-Z-030-003)」,2003永續發展科技與政策研討會,台北:台灣大學,台灣,行政院國家科學委員會永續發展研究推動委員會,民國92年12月26日。
- 林淑玲* (2002),「環境成本與環境污染防治成本函數及基本資料庫系統之建立與產業經營績效相關性之研究-子計畫二:企業環境品質績效、經濟績效與財務績效之關聯性分析(NSC90-2621-Z-030-003)」,永續發展科技與政策研討會,台北:台灣大學,台灣,行政院國家科學委員會永續發展研究推動委員會,民國91年12月27日。
- 林淑玲* (2002),「企業環境績效與經濟績效、財務績效之互動關聯分析」,第四屆(2002)永續發展管理研討會--知識、創新、全球化」,屏東,台灣,教育部、屏東科技大學管理學院,民國91年11月7日。
- 林淑玲*、蔡千姿 (2002),「台灣銀行業資產負債管理對其獲利性之影響」,中日消費金融趨勢對相關產業之影響研討會,民國91年5月23日。
- 龔尚智、林淑玲*、李宗培、張清山 (2002),「風險基礎資本適足管制對銀行業無清償能力風險與財務績效影響之研究」,2002年財務金融學術研討會,台灣財務金融學會主辦,台中:中興大學,民國91年4月26-27日。
- Shu Ling Lin* and Shang-Chi Gong, (2001) “On the Profitability and Insolvency Risk Effects of financial Convergence Became Financial Conglomerates (or BHCs): A Simulation Study in Taiwan,” Paper Presented at the Meeting of The 2001 Conference of Contemporary Issues of Finance, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 23, 2001.
- Shu Ling Lin* (2001), “The Relationship between Financial Performance and Environmental Capital Investment: An Empirical Examination in Taiwan,” Paper Presented at the Meeting of The 2001 International Conference in Management Sciences, Tamkang University, ROC, June2-3, 2001.
- Shu Ling Lin* (2000), “The Impact of Corporate Environmental Performance on Stock Market Valuation and Shareholders’ Value: Some Evidence from Taiwan,” Paper Presented at the Meeting of The Second Conference on Sustainable Development for Management 2000, Ping-Ton Technology University, ROC, Nov. 3, 2000.
- 曾正權、林淑玲* (1998),「發展台北金融中心之評析-兼論自由化對配置效率之影響」,亞太地區金融市場之比較、互動與整合學術研討會,台北:臺灣大學財務金融研究所,民國87年11月。(NSC87-2418-H009-004-E24)
- 吳壽山、許和鈞、林淑玲* (1997),「我國財金制度現況之下規模效果與配置效率效果之研究」,財金政策與金融產業發展學術研討會,台中:朝陽科技大學,民國86年12月。
- Soushan Wu and Shu Ling Lin* (1997), “Recent Financial Liberalization and Allocative Efficiency in Taiwan,” Paper Presented at the Meeting of the 1997 Ninth Annual PACAP Finance Conference, Shanghai, PROC, Aug. 25-28, 1997.
- 林淑玲*、吳壽山、劉維琪 (1996),「金融自由化對建立台北成為亞太金融中心的意涵與措施」,亞太金融中心-金融業的變革與挑戰研討會,(中國財務學會主辦),高雄:義守大學,民國85年11月。
- 林蒼祥、陳惟龍、林淑玲*、高儀慧、李怡樺、陳雅苓 (2013),「證券市場資訊科技發展對監管之影響與啟示」,財團法人中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會,102年12月(02-238)。
- 余政杰、曾淑惠、林淑玲* (2014),「高等教育機構品質保證制度與實踐—國際觀與本土觀:13臺北科技大學品質保證制度與實踐」,財團法人高等教育評鑑中心基金會103年度專書論文,103年12月出版,ISBN: 2312-2552。
- 林淑玲* (2016),「會計學(上) 」,三民書局股份有限公司,105年5月13日出版,ISBN:9789571461427。
- 林淑玲* (2017),「會計學(下) 」,三民書局股份有限公司,106年2月13日出版,ISBN:9789571462660。
- 黎文龍、任貽均、林淑玲*(2017年12月)。第3章 臺北科技大學推動IR具體成效與使命願景。IR關鍵密碼:校務運作的具體實踐-技專校院篇。台北,台灣:社團法人臺灣評鑑協會,ISBN:9789-86855-1831。
- 黎文龍、任貽均、林淑玲*(2018年02月)。第7章 臺北科技大學校務研究機制之建置與應用。臺灣校務研究實務。台北,台灣:高等教育文化事業有限公司,ISBN:9789-86266-1840。
- 獲經濟部智慧財產局發給(108)智專一(一)證字第10872664140號第108204193號專利案新型M586419號專利證書,新型專利名稱:「智能理財投資決策分析系統」(自2019年11月11日至2029年4月2日止)。
- 110 年3 月17 日獲經濟部智慧財產局發給(110)智專一(四)05018 字第11040390930 號新型專利M611450號專利證書,新型專利名稱:「股市盤中逐筆交易之證卷下單模擬裝置」(自2021年5月1日至2031年1月31日止)。
- 110 年9月 29 日獲經濟部智慧財產局發給(110)智專一(四)22515 字第11041460670 號(申請案號數:110210368)新型專利第M620769號專利證書,新型專利名稱:「上市櫃公司股票投資分析系統」(自2021年5月1日至2031年1月31日止)。
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