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星期三 13:00~15:00
智慧金融實驗室(宏裕科技研究大樓 727)
- 2022.02-迄今 國科會文字與聲音情緒辨識國際產學技術聯盟計畫主持人兼執行長
- 2020.08-2022.01 國立臺灣科技大學產學處創新育成中心主任
- 2020.08-2022.01 國立臺灣科技大學數位轉型暨前瞻科技人才培育中心主任
- 2019.02-2022.01 國立臺灣科技大學管理學士班副教授
- 2020.02-2022.01 國立臺灣師範大學管理研究所兼任副教授
- 2017.08-2021.01 金融科技創新園區講座師資
- 2021.08-迄今 行政院國家發展基金管理會計畫審查委員
- 2018.08-迄今 林口新創園區國際創業聚落示範補助計畫審查委員
- 2019.08-迄今 經濟部中小企業處、技術處科專計畫審查委員
- 2021.02-迄今 亞灣5G AIoT創新科技應用計畫 審查委員
- 2018.08-迄今 中部科學園區智慧機器人自造基地入駐及補助計畫審查委員
- 2018.08-迄今 國家教育研究院教科書籍審查委員
- 2019.08-2021.01 國立臺灣科技大學管理學士班主任
- 2015.02-2016.07 實踐大學教學卓越辦公室副執行長兼主任
- 2011.08-2012.06 實踐大學國際暨兩岸教育交流中心主任
- 2013.08-2019.01 實踐大學國際企業英語學位學程專任副教授
- 2013.08-2019.01 實踐大學國際經營與貿易專任副教授
- Hao Fang, Chieh-Hsuan Wang, Joseph Shieh, Chien-Ping Chung* (2023). Effects of Time-Varying Political Connections on Loan Contracts. International Journal of Managerial Finance, 19(5), 1-36. (SSCI; 國科會財務類 B級期刊; Impact Factor: 0.423; Q2) (Corresponding author)
- Shu-Lien Chang, Chien-Ping Chung, and Hsiu-Chuan Lee. (2023). Investor’s Risk Attitude and Technical Analysis Predictability. Journal of Futures and Options, 16(3), 1-25. (TSSCI).
- Hao Fang, Chung-Hua Shen, Yen-Hsien Lee, Chien-Ping Chung* (2023), “The Causes of Loan Herding of Chinese Banks and the Impacts on Macroeconomics,” Journal of Financial Studies, 31(3), 113-150 (TSSCI). (Corresponding author)
- Hao Fang, Chien-Ping Chung, Yang-Cheng Lu, Yen-Hsien Lee (2023), “Effects of a CEO’s overconfidence and his/her power on the performance of Chinese firms,” Journal of Economics and Finance, 47(3), 1-35. (SSCI; 國科會財務類B+級期刊; Impact Factor: 1.56; Q3)
- Hao Fang, Chieh-Hsuan Wang, Hwey-Yun Yau, Chien-Ping Chung, and Yen-Hsien Lee (2022), “The Impact of Board Structure on Bank Loan Herding via Mediation of Underperformance,” Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 29, pp. 1-26. (SSCI; 國科會會計類 A級期刊; Impact Factor: 1.137; Q2)
- Chien-Ping Chung, Cheng-Yi Chien, Chia-Hsin Huang, and Hsiu-Chuan Lee (2021), “Foreign Institutional Ownership and the Effectiveness of Technical Analysis,” The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 82, pp. 86-96. (SSCI; 國科會財務類A級期刊; Impact Factor: 4.324; Q2) (First author)
- Hao Fang, Chien-Ping Chung, Yang-Cheng Lu, Yen-Hsien Lee (2021), “The Impacts of Investors’ Sentiments on Stock Returns Using Fintech Approaches,” International Review of Financial Analysis, 77, pp. 1-11. (SSCI; 國科會財務類A級期刊; Impact Factor: 8; Q1)
- Hao Fang, Chien-Ping Chung*, Yen-Hsien Lee, Xiaohan Yang (2021), “The Effect of COVID-19 on Herding Behavior in Eastern European Stock Markets,”Frontiers in Public Health, 9: 695931. (SSCI ; Impact Factor: 6.461; Q1)(Corresponding author)
- Chien-Ping Chung, Tzu-Hsiang Liao, and Hsiu-Chuan Lee (2020), “Volatility spillovers of A- and B-shares for the Chinese stock market and its impact on the Chinese index returns,”Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 65, pp. 1-19. (SSCI ; 國科會財務類A級期刊; Impact Factor: 3.239; Q2) (First author)
- Fang, Hao, Jen-Sin, Lee, Chien-Ping Chung, and Yen-Hsien Lee (2020), “Effect of CEO power and board strength on bank performance in China,” Journal of Asian Economics, 69, pp. 1-16. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 2.71; Q2)
- Fang Hao, Chung-Hua Shen, Hwey-Yun Yau, Chien-Ping Chung, Yen-Hsien Lee (2019), “Shocks from the Sub-prime Crisis to Bond Indices in the U.S., the EU and Emerging Markets via CDS Indices,” Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 22(3), pp. 5-25. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 0.98; Q2)
- Fang, Hao, Chung-Hua, Shen, Yen-Hsien Lee, and Chien-Ping Chung (2019), “The Motivations of Loan Herding by Chinese Banks and its Impact on Bank Performance,” China & World Economy, 27(4), pp. 1-24. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 2.451; Q1)
- Chieh-Hsuan Wang, Chien-Ping Chung*, and Jen-Te Hwang (2018), “The Impact of Minimum Wages and Foreign Domestic Workers in Taiwan,” Australian Economic Papers, 57(4),1-26. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 1.66; Q2). (Corresponding author)
- Wang Chieh-Hsuan, Chien-Ping Chung*, Jen-Te Hwang and Chia-yang Ning (2018), “The Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan─Should Minimum Wage Apply to Foreign Domestic Workers?”The Chinese Economy, 51(2), pp. 154-174. (Corresponding author) (EconLit)
- Wang, Chieh-Hsuan, Jen-Te Hwang, and Chien-Ping Chung* (2016), " Do Short-term International Capital Inflows Drive China’s Asset Markets?" The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 60, pp. 115-124. (Corresponding author) (SSCI; 國科會財務類A級期刊; Impact Factor: 4.324; Q2)
- Chung, Chien-Ping, Jen-Te Hwang, and Chieh-Hsuan Wang (2014), "The Effectiveness and Sustainability of the Sterilization Policy in China," Economics Research International, 509643, 2014, pp. 1-14. (EconLit)
- Wang, Chieh-Hsuan, Chien-Ping Chung*, and Jen-Te Hwang (2012), "Hedonic and GMM Estimates of the Relationship between House Prices and Rents in Taiwan," Economics Bulletin, 32(3), pp. 2231-2245. (EconLit) (Corresponding author)
- Hwang, Jen-Te, Chieh-Hsuan Wang, and Chien-Ping Chung* (2012), "The Estimation of Housing Price Bubbles in China," International Economics and Finance Journal, 7(1), pp. 145-172.(EconLit)(Corresponding author)
- Hwang, Jen-Te, Chieh-Hsuan Wang, and Chien-Ping Chung* (2011), " Is it Possible to Decouple Foreign Workers Wages from the Minimum Wage in Taiwan?" The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 22(2), pp. 107-130. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 2.224) (Corresponding author)
- Hwang, Jen-Te, Chien-Ping Chung*, and Chieh-Hsuan Wang (2010), "Debt Overhang, Financial Sector Development and Economic Growth," Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 51, pp. 13-30. (SSCI; Impact Factor:0.78) (Corresponding author)
- Wei-Cheng Lu, Wei-Chung Miao, Chien-Ping Chung* (2023). Forecasting on Cryptocurrency and Stock Price Index Volatility: A Comparsion between GARCH and LSTM Model. 2023 Financial Engineering Association of Taiwan (FeAT) Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2023/06/16.
- Hao Fang, Chieh-Hsuan Wang, Chien-Ping Chung* (2023), "The Asymmetric Granger Causality between Banking-Sector and Stock-Market Development and Economic Growth in Quantile Considering Fourier" 2023 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, Taichung, Taiwan, 2023/06/09.
- Hao Fang, Chien-Ping Chung*, Chieh-Hsuan Wang, Yen-Hsien Lee (2022), "Effects of CEO overconfidence and CEO power on the performance of Chinese firms" 2022 Taiwan Accounting Association Annual Conference, Tainan, Taiwan, 2022/12/02.
- Hao Fang, Chieh-Hsuan Wang, Chien-Ping Chung* (2022), "Effects of Time-Varying Political Connection on Loan Contracts" The International Society for the Advancement of Financial Economics (ISAFE-2022), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2022/12/05.
- Shu-Lien, Chang, Chien-Ping Chung, Hsiu-Chuan Lee (2022), "Risk Preference of Investors and the Effectiveness of Technical Analysis" 2022 New Futures Academic and Practical Exchange Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022/12/08.(獲選優秀論文)
- Chieh-Hsuan Wang, Chien-Ping Chung*, Boi Linh Chau (2022), "The Development and Strategies of the Internet-only Banks in Taiwan – Case Study of LINE Bank" The 3rd International Conference On FinTech, RegTech and Sustainable Finance, Tainan, Taiwan, 2022/11/04.
- Chieh-Hsuan Wang, Hsiu-Chuan Lee, Chien-Ping Chung*, and Pei-Cheng Lin (2021), " The Impact of Paid Online Stock Investment Community Behavior on Retail Investors’ Investment Decisions" 2021 Financial Engineering Association of Taiwan (FeAT) Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, 2021/10/29.
- Hao Fang and Chien-Ping Chung* (2021), "The Impacts of Investors’ Sentiments on Stock Returns Using Fintech Approaches" 2021 Financial Engineering Association of Taiwan (FeAT) Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, 2021/05/14.
- Chien-Ping Chung and Chieh-Hsuan Wang (2020), " AI in Evaluation of Student's Learning Achievement and Teacher's Teaching Effectiveness: Applications of Chatbot Technologies " 2020 Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE 2020), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2020/12/11.
- Chieh-Hsuan Wang and Chien-Ping Chung* (2020), " Application of Academic Advisors AI Chatbots for Students Self-Evaluation and Teaching Evaluations " The international workshop of Education on Digital Humanities Innovative Application in the Big Data Era (WEDHIA 2020), Taipei, Taiwan, 2020/12/10.
- Liang-Yi Li, Wen-Lung Huang and Chien-Ping Chung (2020), " Flipped classroom instruction in data structure course: the effect of learning performance, levels of satisfaction, classroom, and online participation," Taiwan E-Learning Forum (TWELF 2020), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2020/03/19.
- Liang-Yi Li, Wen-Lung Huang and Chien-Ping Chung (2019), " Analyzing system logs for understanding the effects of goal orientation on students’ behaviors and performance in a video peer assessment activity," International Cognitive Cities Conference (IC3), Kyoto, Japan, 2019/09/03.
- Chia-yang Ning and Chien-Ping Chung (2018), " Cross-border P2P Lending and Economic Growth," The 2018 Taiwan Economic Association Annual Conference, Taiwan, 2018/12/15.
- Chieh-Hsuan Wang and Chien-Ping Chung (2017), " The Impact of Minimum Wages and Foreign Domestic Workers in Taiwan," The 7th International Institute of Management Sciences, Taiwan, 2017/11/24.
- Chieh-Hsuan Wang and Chien-Ping Chung (2016), "The Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan," The 11th Biennial Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association, Hong Kong, 2016/07/08.
- Chien-Ping Chung and Chieh-Hsuan Wang (2015), "Sovereign Debt, Contagion of Financial Crises and Economic Growth, " 2015 3rd International Conference on Global Economy and Governance, Taipei, 2015/09/04. (Won 3rd GEG Best Paper Award)
- Chieh-Hsuan Wang and Chien-Ping Chung (2015), "Do Short-term International Capital Inflows Drive China's Asset Markets?"2015 International Conference on Creativity, Innovation, and Management, Taipei, 2015/05/28.
- Chien-Ping Chung,and Chieh-Hsuan Wang (2013), "Does outlining the main points with questions help students learn principles of economics: a comparison between two teaching methods, "2013 Educational Innovation International Conference, Hsinchu, 2013/11/29.
- Jen-Te Hwang, Chien-Ping Chung, and Chieh-Hsuan Wang (2011), " The Estimation of Housing Price Bubbles in China, " 2011 International Conference on Financial Services Integration and Innovation, Taipei, 2011/06/10.(獲選優秀論文)
- Jen-Te Hwang, Chien-Ping Chung, and Chieh-Hsuan Wang (2010), " Is it Possible to Decouple Foreign Workers Wages from the Minimum Wage in Taiwan?" International Conference on Innovation & Management, Taipei, 2010/12/16.
- 第115379號發明專利案,《智能分潤系統及其運作方法》,已經獲得發明專利 (2023),專利證號為:I816042。
- 第108147269號發明專利案,《光感測系統及奈米結構層》,已經獲得中國發明專利 (2021),專利證號為:CN113076785A。
- 第108145688號發明專利案,《光學識別模組》,已經獲得發明專利 (2021),專利證號為:I727550。
- 第116784號發明專利案,《旅平險智能客服裝置》,已經獲得新型專利 (2020),專利證號為:M602660。
- 第115379號發明專利案,《智能分潤系統及其運作方法》,已經獲得新型專利 (2020),專利證號為:M603156。
- 第114555號發明專利案,《智能檢核系統及其方法》,已經獲得發明專利 (2020),專利證號為:I676284。
- 第106138123號發明專利案,《聲波行動支付之驗證系統》,已經獲得發明專利 (2019),專利證號為:I655590。
- 第107203643號新型專利案,《人工智慧互動式檢核系統》,已經獲得新型專利 (2019),專利證號為:M576284。
- 第106216376號新型專利案,《具音波行動支付之驗證系統》,已經獲得新型專利 (2018),專利證號為:M560064。
- 2023年指導學生參加Franklin University Switzerland所舉辦的「Plan B Blockchain Final Pitch」全英語專題競賽,榮獲第一名 (獎金5,000 USDT)
- 2022年指導學生參加「第一屆台企銀校園金融科技創意挑戰賽」,榮獲全國第二名及第三名 (獎金10萬元)。
- 2021年指導學生參加「第三屆 LINE Chatbot 對話機器人設計大賽」,榮獲全國第三名 (獎金10萬元)
- 2020年指導學生參加「2020年第二屆 AI 金融科技創新創意競賽」,榮獲全國第一名
- 2020年指導學生參加「第一屆兆豐金控 Fintech 創意競賽」,榮獲全國第一名 (獎金20萬元)
- 2020年指導學生「Homie Studio」參加創業歸故里創新創業競賽,榮獲「數位應用獎」及獎金10萬
- 2020年指導學生參加「LINE FRESH 2020校園競賽」黑客松組,榮獲全國第三名
- 2020年指導學生參加「2020 第二屆 LINE Chatbot 對話機器人設計大賽」,榮獲全國第一名(獎金10萬元)
- 2020年指導學生參加「2020 戰國策全國創新創業競賽」,榮獲企業指定類資誠數位創新組第一名
- 2020年指導學生參加「第八屆資訊應用服務創新創業新秀選拔賽」,榮獲優質新創組第二名
- 2020年指導學生參加「2020中科智慧創新創業競賽」,榮獲全國第二名
- 2019年參加科技部創新營運模式計畫成果展,所執行的「網紅經濟及電子紅包對銀行消費金融產品推廣之應用」計畫,獲選為亮點計畫及榮獲產學成果簡報優良獎
- 2019年指導學生參加「第一屆 AI 金融科技創新創意競賽」榮獲全國第一名
- 2019年指導學生參加「2019第四屆華南金控金融科技競賽」,榮獲全國第一名 (金獎及獎金30萬)
- 2019年指導學生參加「2019第一屆日盛金控金融科技競賽」,榮獲第二名
- 2019年指導學生參加兩岸三地第二屆領創者滬港台上銀金融科技創新大賽獲得第三名
- 2019年研發出3D建模及虛擬聊天機器人建置,並於2019年馬來西亞MTE發明展展出,並獲得大會金牌獎、創新發明特別獎與大會特別獎
- 數位金融
- 國際金融
- 外匯市場理論與實務
- 金融市場
- 人工智慧跨域金融之應用